The Confident Princess

May 09, 2016

hello readers! first, i want to dedicate this post to all woman in the world who have no confident with her self. 

every girl in the world, especially christian, is daughter of God, we're Daddy's little princess. God always carry you every single moment in your life.

i get my inspiration from Joyce Meyer book "The Confident Woman". Joy Meyer is so inspiring me because she can survive from her past. when she was a child, she got a sex abuse from her father, but now she's the one of the world's leading practical bible teacher. its amazing right?

in my life, i have so many things to thanks with. but I often complaining with God like, why I'm not like her, or why I was born like this, everything is begins with why. One day when I attend to my friend father's funeral, the pastor said "God always have a good things behind every sad moment, the important thing is don't fill your mind with "why question" because more you think "why", more you complaining to God. complaining to God didn't make you feel better but make you feel unworthy, not confident, and many negative spirit come to you. 

i learned about seven secret of a confident woman from Joyce Meyer books, i will tell you one by one

secret 1st - a confident women knows that she is loved
confident women does not fear being unloved because she knows that her God love her. even she get rejected, not accepted in social life, etc, she always think that she have one person who never reject her, He is God. sometimes i feel being unloved and not precious because i don't have a boyfriend, i guest is a general problem that sometimes the girl who already in college but don't have boyfriend have a special pressure in her life. my mentor said that "Monalisa picture is still precious even in the cheap frame". our life is the frame, and we are the Monalisa picture, so even our life or situation is not go as the world think is precious, we still precious as we are because God think we're precious adn God always love you! john 3:16 - "for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". remember that "GOD LOVES YOU! GOD LOVES YOU! GOD LOVES YOU!" believe it and receive it.

secret 2nd - confident woman refuses to live in fear
2 timothy 1:7 says that "for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" fear is devil spirit to intimidate God's children. fear not make us a better person, fear is just make people unable to be the best version of their are. don't let devil deceive us by put the fear in our heart. Matthew 6:27 said that "which of you taking thought is  able to make himself a cubit taller?" fear can't solve your problem, so just let God do His part in your life, and our job is depend on Him.

secret 3rd - A confident woman is positive
confident woman have a positive point of view in their life. every problem in this life, we should see with God point of view. every single problem in our life is the media to make us be a better person.people don't enjoy being around an individual who have a negative point of view, being a person like that opened the door for a lot of disappointments, and the effect is make you feel not confident. "my grace is enough for you, for my power is made complete in what is feeble. most gladly, the, will i take pride in my feeble body, so that the power of Christ may be on me" - 2 Corinthians 12:9. even if you have any weakness, dont ever think that you are not precious. because in our weakness, the love of God will be present. 

secret 4th - A confident women recovers from setbacks
we don't need to see setbacks as failures. in Joyce Meyer books, she said that "A person is not a failure because she tried some things that did not work out, she fails only when she stops trying". the confident woman think that their failure is their stepping stone to be a better person. in Philippians 3:13 said that letting go those things which are past and stretching out to the things which are before.  recover from the pain or disappointment is not something happen depend on the other people, its our decision to be recovered. 

secret 5th - A confident woman avoids comparisons
"my daughter, you are worthy of being loved, not because of the personality, charm, or sense of humor that i have given you, but because you are so precious to me that i died for you" - God
I got that quotes on internet. that sentence is inspiring me to think that God loves us just the way we are. Even if I am the only one person in this world, Jesus is still die for me. God never make a mistakes, he purposely makes all of us different. one of ten commandments, is "thou shall not covet" (exodus 20:17) that means that we are shouldn't envy with what other people looks, their talents, their personality, etc. because God create us special on His way. so, stop comparing with someone else, celebrate that uniqueness and be the best version of our self. 

secret 6th - a confident women takes action
their are two types of people in the world, the one who wait for something to happen and the one who make it happen. as a confident woman, better for us to make something happen by taking an action. don't let yourself think about all the bad things could be happen, because your attitude makes all the difference in your life. making mistake is not the end of the world, we can still recover it, so just do it by make a decision with God/ He will help you be the person He want to be.   

secret 7th - A confident woman does not live in "if only" and "what if"
the "if only" and "what if" statement just make your mind turn into a negative way. just be gracious of your life and thanks to God, because every single moment in our life is planned by God. "if only" and "what if" statement is decrease our faith to God. 

so there are the seven secret to be a confident woman, let do it in our life and you can see the effect of being a confident woman with God. i hope this post will bless the readers, thank you!  

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