Miracle Behind Gratitude
December 29, 2017Hello readers! in the beginning, I want to ask some question. How many times a day you complain about your situation? How many times a month you feel stress? it's sad to know the fact that many people in the world tend to complaining rather than feel grateful about their life. Whereas there is a power behind gratitude.
gratitude consist of two words, there are grateful and attitude. grateful mean expressing a thank you feeling and attitude mean a way of behavior that caused by person feeling or opinion. For me, gratitude is an ability to someone who have a qualify personality to feel thankful in every situation. gratitude is not about feel thankful when you got a happy things, but it's a maturity to feel thankful when you got a bad things.
people who have a gratitude behavior mostly have a fortunate life. Why? because they have a different perspective of seeing their life. what kind of perspective do they have?
1. grateful people understand that everything have a reason. seeing people behavior with many point of view. they not focused about their problem, but seeing their problem with a different way. they try to look a positive things behind a negative things. for example, If I failed now it's because I have to learn more so i can understand more.
2. grateful people not comparing their life with others. they know that every people is unique and have their own ways to success. so, there's no reason to compare your life with another, everyone have their times, their fortune, and their life. comparing yourself with another make you feel bad about your life. you can see positive things from others, you can learn from them, you can ask their key to success, but you should proud about yourself too, because you are made perfect by God.
3. grateful people see their failure as a stepping stone to success. Problems or failure that they have is an opportunity to learn. they focus on what I learn from this situation, not focusing on their problems. stop feel sorry about yourself!
4. grateful people never stop hoping and believing. dreams and hope is a fuel to our success. you should believe that you can do it, so every time you wake up, you feel excited about your day and feel thankful about it.
perspective is impact to the behavior and respon someone face their problems. so, it's important for someone to have the right perspective. you should have a right perspective to have a gratitude behavior. gratitude behavior makes someone have a fortunate life, it's because their spread a positive vibes that make people enjoy to hangout with them. people impressed with someone who have a gratitude behavior because they have a self awareness and a strong personality.
so, the moral value is if you want a miracle in your life, if you want to change your life better, you should have a grateful heart. saying "thanks" to the people who have a big impact in your life, either good or bad. and the important things is saying thanks to God. because we can't do anything if God not do something to us. Be grateful to your life because your life now is a miracle.
guarantee me, if you want to see a miracle, be thankful first and God will fulfill your needs and do miracle in your life! So, be grateful guys ^^